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店主・加藤丈法が目指すのは「世界一の焼鳥」。その志に必要不可欠なのは南東北、阿武隈山系の農場で愛情深く育てられた銘柄鶏 伊達鶏雌。一羽一羽性格の異なる伊達鶏雌と五感を尽し向き合い、炭を巧みに使い分け味わい深い至高の一串へと焼上げます。当店は新橋駅・銀座駅・汐留駅からアクセスしやすく、洗練された空間は接待・会食・記念日やデート等あらゆるシーンに最適でございます。是非特別なひとときをお過ごし下さいませ。




愛情を持って育てられた銘柄鶏 伊達鶏雌をはじめ、生命力溢れみずみずしいお野菜、使用する塩や水に至るまで生産者さまのたゆまぬ努力の結晶である「食材」は、私達同様「個性」に溢れ、技・工夫・発想をもってその「個性」を最大限に引き出すことが私達の務めであります。



【Once-in-a-lifetime meeting】

A connection that you may only meet once in a lifetime.

Not only our encounters with our customers, but also with the ingredients that are born every day are once-in-a-lifetime encounters.

Our ingredients, which are the fruit of the tireless efforts of our producers, from the lovingly raised Date chickens to the vibrant and fresh vegetables, to the salt and water we use, are full of individuality just like us, and it is our duty to bring out that individuality to the fullest with our skills, ingenuity and imagination.

Every day, we use all our five senses to interact with each Date chicken, which has its own unique personality, and we grill them into a flavorful skewer while "communicating with the ingredients" and discerning their individuality. We hope you enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime encounter with the traditional Japanese flavors that we are proud of around the world.








Yakitori TAKE
Chef Takenori Kato

1978年東京都町田市にてレストランを営む両親の下生まれる。株式会社なだ万やTHE RITZ-CARLTON TOKYOひのき坂、パークホテル東京花山椒等、名だたる日本料理の名店で経験と技を積み上げ、素材の魅力を極限まで引出した焼鳥と日本料理の融合で、国内外問わず多くのゲストを魅了する。

世界中のゲストの皆様に焼鳥を通じて、より一層の満ち足りた幸福感をご経験頂くこと、そして日本の伝統文化である焼鳥の価値を世界中に広める為に、「丈-Yakitori TAKE」をオープン。

「丈-Yakitori TAKE-」では、お料理だけではなく、お客様おひとりおひとりとの出逢いに感謝し、「丈-Yakitori TAKE-」で過ごされるお時間を少しでも心地よく感動が沢山詰まったひと時となる様日々尽力して参ります。


Born in 1978 in Machida, Tokyo, to parents who run a restaurant. He gained experience and skills at renowned Japanese restaurants such as Nadaman Co., Ltd., THE RITZ-CARLTON TOKYO Hinokizaka, and Park Hotel Tokyo Hanasansho.  He attracts many guests from Japan and abroad with his fusion of yakitori and Japanese cuisine that brings out the best in the ingredients.


Yakitori TAKE open in order to provide guests from all over the world with a more fulfilling and happy experience through yakitori, and to spread the value of yakitori, a traditional Japanese culture, to the world.


At Yakitori TAKE, we are grateful not only for the food, but also for the encounters we have with each and every customer, and we will work hard every day to make your time at Yakitori TAKE as comfortable and filled with excitement as possible.


1978 年出生於東京都町田市,父母經營一家餐廳。曾在灘萬株式會社、東京檜坂麗思卡爾頓酒店、東京花山莊公園酒店等著名日本餐廳積累了經驗和技術,作為銀座烤雞肉串屋的店主,提供烤雞肉串和日本料理,將將食材的魅力發揮到極致,吸引了國內外眾多賓客。

為了讓來自世界各地的客人透過烤雞肉串體驗到更滿足的幸福感,並將日本傳統文化烤雞肉串的價值傳播到全世界,「Yakitori TAKE」活動世界」打開了。

在“Yakitori TAKE-”,我們不僅珍惜食物,也珍惜與每位顧客的相遇。



「丈-Yakitori TAKE-」では、伊達鶏雌を熟知し、その日のゲストの為だけにご来店4時間前に捌き、部位毎の味を引き立てる塩にも拘り、最高峰の焼鳥を一期一会の精神で一本一本丁寧に仕上げます。



[From Date to the World]

A town rich in nature, characterized by the unique topography of a basin surrounded by vast mountains. Date chickens, lovingly raised on farms in the Abukuma mountain range in southern Tohoku, go extremely well with the elegant and refined "light flavors" of Japanese cuisine, with a soft, deep richness, well-balanced elasticity, and a sweetness that is locked in the more you chew it.

At "Take-Yakitori TAKE-", we are familiar with Date chickens, and we butcher them just for that day's guests four hours before their visit. We are particular about the salt that brings out the flavor of each part, and we carefully prepare each piece of the best yakitori with the spirit of a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

We have prepared a "course that you can enjoy to your heart's content" so that our customers can experience the culmination of the producers' tireless efforts to the fullest.



這座城市擁有豐富的自然風光,其獨特的地形特徵是山脈環繞的盆地。東北北部阿武隈山農場精心飼養的棗雞,與日本料理優雅精緻的“清淡風味”極為相配,越嚼越有柔軟濃鬱的口感和均衡的彈性。在“Yakitori TAKE-”,我們對棗雞有著深厚的了解,在抵達前 4 小時專門為當天的客人準備,並特別注意帶出每個部分的風味的鹽,每一件作品都經過精心製作。我們準備了“讓您盡情享受的課程”,讓我們的顧客能夠充分體驗到製作者不懈努力的成果。



「丈-Yakitori TAKE-」では、日本料理店としての伝統をつなぐ癒しと和みの空間を継承しつつ、現代的に洗練させた新たなデザインとの融合により空間においてもお客様に特別な体験をお届け致します。


伊達鶏雌焼鳥や日本料理を通じて日本を学ぶべく、「丈-Yakitori TAKE-」は、生産者とのつながりを育む食の体験と心安らぐ空間をご提供致します。


[Inheritance and Rebirth]

Meals are a series of moments that create memories, and our mission is to make those moments as special as possible.

At Yakitori TAKE, we inherit the soothing and relaxing space that connects our traditions as a Japanese restaurant, while fusing it with a new, modern and sophisticated design to provide our customers with a special experience in the space as well.

Through our attention to detail, we strive to provide hospitality that allows you to experience once-in-a-lifetime moments every day, and many times over.

To learn about Japan through Date Tori Yakitori and Japanese cuisine, Yakitori TAKE offers a dining experience that fosters connections with producers and a relaxing space.






為了透過伊達雞烤雞肉串和日本料理了解日本,Yakitori Chiku 提供了一種促進與生產者聯繫的用餐體驗和一個放鬆的空間。

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